St. Paul’s Lutheran Church + School, Howards Grove, Wisconsin
Sharing the gospel and serving others is at the forefront of St. Paul’s goals. With a calling to expand preschool education, the St. Paul’s Long-Range Planning Committee pulled together some recommendations that fit under their Guiding Principles of ministering to families. Viewing young children as holistic + active learners, they wanted to incorporate age-appropriate spaces that would enhance a child’s motor skills, along with social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual learning.
Abacus Architects, Inc. was able to design the spaces they dreamed of, making the addition of 3K to the established 4K and 5K possible. Four additional classrooms were added, as well as a prep kitchen accessible between classrooms and child-scaled restrooms, rounding out the new early childhood wing.
An expansive indoor early childhood gymnasium with soft flooring was designed to support and achieve purposeful play, critical for early childhood development. This gym will serve as an extension of the classroom + established curriculum.
Designed to serve immediate and long-term needs, a covered drop-off area and secure entrance was added, along with an adjacent warm + inviting gathering space. This addition offers casual seating + fellowship space for caregivers dropping off their children, meeting space for volunteers + organizers, as well as a versatile ministry space for social events, Bible Study and educational offerings.
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